Professional Objective: My greatest skill is an ability to assess the situation, establish systems and put resources in place to address challenges. I want to continue building institutions that enable participants to prosper for life.
Major Accomplishments
Major Accomplishments
- Forty years of global experience working in secondary and higher education intuitions as an educator, designer and supporter of life long learning.
- Specialized in developing global programs that target needs in the local and business community to ensure graduating students are prepared to be productive citizens.
- Since 1975, served as consultant to corporate, military and student personnel with overseas assignments to Europe and Asia.
- Founder of Oklahoma Women in World Trade and instrumental in the establishment of Bermuda Women in World Trade. Both organizations focused on preparing women to be successful in global trade ventures.
- Significant experience expanding the capabilities of local programs, agencies and organizations to build self-sustaining higher education programs.
Leadership in Education
Summary of Leadership in Education
- Demonstrated success working with or for non-profit, quasi-governmental and educational institutions to create programs that address local educational needs world-wide. Achieved a 100% graduation rate for programs.
- Established/facilitated Certificate in Theology program (San Antonio campus) for the Interdenominational Theological Center; established The Multitude Experience Certificate in Ministry program. (Graduated 26 participants total)
- Developed teacher education training for 60 educators in SWAZILAND & LESOTHO
- Led efforts to fill libraries and schools in UGANDA, KENYA, GHANA and SOUTH AFRICA with teaching materials and books.
- Facilitated and negotiated discussions to create national training programs for African and European participants i.e. German Marshall Fund of the S., U.S. Information Agency and Phelps-Stokes Fund.
- Member of management team that developed and launched a training and development certificate program for College of Continuing Education at University of Oklahoma which is now being conducted in 3 states.
University Experience
Summary of University Experience
- Member of Founding Faculty, member of Master Planning Committee, participant in SACS accreditation process – Texas A&M University Kingsville-San Antonio.
- Served on university search committee. Initiated a Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) project as a course requirement. Experience with integrating competencies (designated by professional organizations/state education agencies) into course work. Supervised student, post Bac and pre-service teachers.
- Ed.D. Adult and Higher Education/Emphasis: Training and Development
University of Oklahoma, Chair: Dr. Gary Green
Dissertation topic: An analysis on the effects of teamwork training on the proficiency of high performance teams in the international exhibiting industry.
- M.A. Curriculum and Instruction, Michigan State University
Masters level studies completed in Japan and England
- B.S. Home Economics, Lincoln University (Missouri)
Certificates/Certifications held
- Certification # 352558, Vocational Home Economics, Florida Department of Education
- Certification # 10004, Home Economics, Social Studies, Work Experience Coordinator, Department of Defense Overseas Dependent Schools
- Certification # 146632, General Home Economics, Democracy, Sociology/Anthropology, American History, Oklahoma Department of Education
- Certificate, Central Oklahoma American Society for Training and Development
- Certificate, Indianapolis Entrepreneurship Academy
Higher Education Experience
1989 – present
Principal, Lawton International
Started and grew company to be a premiere organization serving the educational needs in disenfranchised communities and helped small to mid-sized companies find innovative ways to train and develop workforces.
- Provided technical assistance for educational program to be conducted in Namibia
- Secured corporate financial and in-kind service donations for community projects.
- Provided educational instruction to clergy and lay ministry leaders at faith-based schools in Swaziland, Lesotho, Kenya and Ghana.
- Developed marketing and training programs for clients such as City of San Antonio, University of Oklahoma, Federal Express Corporation, Halliburton Company, Center for International Trade Development, Southwestern Bell Telephone, Federal Aviation Administration and Bermuda Employer’s Council.
- Served on the educational advisory boards for Jamaican and Ghanaian institutions.
- Founding Faculty member, member of Master Planning Committee and participant in SACS accreditation process at Texas A&M University – Kingsville – San Antonio
- Accomplished and sought after speaker on educational issues in Argentina, Austria, Jamaica, Bermuda, Swaziland, Lesotho and throughout the US.
- Featured speaker on super station WGN’s Minority Business Report, co-host Creating the Future and host/producer of Oklahoma World View on Cox Cable.
- Contributing editor and writer on educational and contemporary human resource issues.
US and International Higher Education Experience
Teaching, Curriculum Development and Design, and Student Support
UTSA University of Texas at San Antonio,
- Served as faculty at one of the fastest growing 100 young colleges. This innovative university system uses the latest and most effective on-line, principles of adult learning system wide.
- Recruited to develop and teach several courses at undergraduate and graduate levels. Developed/Taught African American Modes of Expression (explored Foodways of the African Diaspora & Topics in African American Studies (researched the black elite).
Additional Experience
Additional Experience
Taught English as a Second Language, marketing, secondary education and culinary arts.
- University of the Incarnate Word, School of Business & Applied Arts and Sciences – San Antonio TX
- Defense Language Institute English Language Center – San Antonio TX
- Indiana University (IUPUI), Kelley School of Business – Indianapolis IN
- University of Oklahoma, College of Education – Norman OK
- Department of Defense Overseas Dependent Schools (Japan) – Yokohama NB & Yokota AB
- Dade County Public Schools – Miami FL
Honors & Professional/Community Organizations
- Inductee, Talented Tenth Exceptional Scholars (now San Antonio Ladies of The Talented Tenth (SALTT), Delta Sigma Theta Arts and Letters Committee (Texas)
- Honoree, Salute to Outstanding Women in Action, Religion Award, LaPrensa Foundation, Inc. (Texas)
- Graduate, Inaugural Class, African American Leadership Institute, Alamo City
- Chamber Education Foundation, Inc. (Texas)
- Recipient, Ameritech Scholarship, Indianapolis Entrepreneur Academy (Indiana)
- Member, Governor’s Commission on the Status of Women (Oklahoma)
- International Judge, Yamaha World Music Festival (Japan)
- Distinguished Alumni, Lincoln University (Missouri)
Professional/Community Organizations
- Crosspoint, Inc., Board Member 2007 – 2008, Chair, Nominating Committee
- Doyle School Community Center, Board Member and Treasurer 2005-2006
- Sistas in Business, Board Member 2005 – 2007; Chaplain 2005 – 2007
- TexTesol II, President 2002 – 2003
- Indiana World Trade Club, Board Member, 1997
- Oklahoma Women in World Trade (OWWT), Founder and Past President
- Organization of Women in International Trade (OWIT), Board Member
- Oklahoma City International Trade Association (OCITA), Vice President 1994
- American Society for Training and Development (ASTD)
- Valuing Differences National Committee Member 1994
- National Affirmative Action Committee Chair 1992-1993
- Central Oklahoma Chapter President 1990
- Regional Conference Planning Committee 1988-1990
- Recipient, ASTD Region 7 James E. Wallace Chapter Service Award 1989
- Cowell, N., & Boxill, I. (1995). Working in a Multicultural Framework. In Human Resource Managment. (1st ed.). Canoe Press.
- Grupe, PhD, R. (1993). Integrating Ethnic Cultures into the Team Environment. In The Change. (2nd ed.). (p. Chapter 25). Koinonia Press.
- Lawton, L. (1992, January 1). Conducting Business Japanese Style. Sozialpsyychologie und Gruppendynamik.
- Lawton, L. (1998, May 29). Following protocol can help you clinch a deal in Japan. San Antonio Business Journal.
- Lawton, L. (1997, March 1). I.E.H.A. Goes Global: cultural nuances can cause confusion. Executive Housekeeping Today.
- Lawton, L. (2000, January 1). In the House. Executive Housekeeping Today.
- Lawton, L. (1994, October 1). It’s Time for a Change in Mindset. International Journal of Human Resource Development & Management.
- Lawton, L. (1996, October 1). Leadership Programs with a Global Thrust. International Journal of Human Resource Development & Management.
- Lawton, L. (1993, June/July) Playing Men At Their Own Game. Caribbean Labour Journal.
- Lawton, L. (1993, July 14). Women Abroad. Front Page News.
- Lawton, L. (1995, October 1). Women on Work: Japan and the USA. International Journal of Human Resource Development & Management.
Presentations/Training provided
- Title: Effective verbal and non-verbal communication
City of San Antonio
San Antonio TX Nov 03
- Title: Lesson plan preparation: teaching effective lessons
Deltas in Southern Africa
Manzini SWAZILAND & Teya-Teyaneng LESOTHO Mar 02
- Title: Understanding the influence of culture on trade shows
Trade Show Two
Chicago IL Jul 02
Anaheim CA Aug 01
Washington DC Jul 00
Philadelphia PA Jul 97
- Title: Cross cultural nuances in the adult education classroom
San Antonio TX Oct 99
- Title: .. and goodies, too
ESL Mini-Training Festival
San Antonio TX Feb 99
- Title: Intercultural Communication
International Executive Housekeeper’s Association (IEHA)
Las Vegas NV Jul 98
- Title: Verbal and non-verbal communication
National Association of Black Journalist (NABJ)
Houston TX Mar 98
- Title: International Etiquette
International Association of Credit Managers (IACM)
Indianapolis IN Sep 97
Indianapolis IN Mar 96
- Title: Tips on international business protocol & The art of adult education
Meeting Professionals International (MPI)
Indianapolis IN Feb 97
San Francisco CA Jan 97
Indianapolis IN Feb 95
- Title: High performance international team at work here, Trade show success in Japan & Is
an international career for you?
Exhibitor Show
Las Vegas NV Feb 99
Baltimore MD Sep 98
Las Vegas NV Feb 98
Las Vegas NV Feb 97
- Title: Are you prepared to be part of Lilly’s global presence?
Eli Lilly and Company
Indianapolis IN Apr 96
Indianapolis IN Feb 96
- Title: International business protocol
Economic Development Institute (EDI)
Norman OK Aug 97
Indianapolis IN Apr 97
Norman OK Aug 96
Indianapolis IN Mar 96
- Title: Jump start your career
National Black MBA Association (NBMBAA)
Boston MA Sep 95
- Title: Growing Minority of Minority Entrepreneurs: black women
The Bermuda Masters
Hamilton BERMUDA Oct 95
Hamilton BERMUDA Oct 94
- Title: International business protocol
National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC)
Orlando FL Oct 93
Houston TX Oct 90
- Title: Women in the international arena
Executive Women in Texas Government (EWTG)
Austin TX Nov 93
- Title: Women in the international arena
Network of Women in Business
Indianapolis IN Aug 94
- Title: Women in the international arena
Newark NJ Nov 95
Newark NJ Sep 94
- Title: International business protocol
United Way of Central Indiana
Indianapolis IN Oct 94
- Title: Alliances: your key to international markets
Organization of Women in International Trade (OWIT)
Hamilton BERMUDA Mar 95
Phoenix AZ Oct 94
- Title: Executive etiquette for global transactions
Ohio Department of Development
Salt Fork Lodge OH Sep 93
- Title: Executive etiquette for global transactions
Center for International Trade Development (CITD)
Stillwater OK Quarterly 91/92
- Title: Women in the international arena
Business and Professional Women (BPW)
Hamilton BERMUDA Feb 92
Oklahoma City OK Dec 90
- Title: Women in the international arena & Cross cultural nuances in the adult education
American Society for Training and Development (ASTD)
Atlanta GA May 93
Los Angeles CA Jan 92
Alexandria VA Nov 91
Gatlinburg TN Oct 90
San Antonio TX Oct 88
- Title: International business protocol
Oklahoma Vocational Association (OVA)
Tulsa OK Aug 93
- Title: International Etiquette
Hospitality Society
Stillwater OK Mar 93
- Titles: Playing men at their own game & Taking the plunge
Woman Inc,
Kingston JAMAICA Oct 92
- Title: International business protocol
U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA)
Tulsa OK Sep 92
- Title: International business protocol
International Training in Communication (ITC)
San Antonio TX Jul 92
- Title: Doing business with your Japanese neighbors
Association of Women Entrepreneurs of Dallas, Inc
Dallas TX May 91
- Title: Cultural Sensitivity
Oklahoma Association of Extension Home Economists (OAEHE)
Tulsa OK May 91
- Title: International business protocol
Halliburton Company
Austin TX Quarterly 91/92
- Title: International business protocol
Mid America World Trade Center
Wichita KS Mar 91
- Title: Women in the International Arena
International Federation of Training and Development Organizations (IFTDO)
Vienna AUSTRIA Jul 91
Buenos Aires ARGENTINA Aug 90